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Shortir - News in 60 words 2.1.0
Varbs Digital, Inc.
Shortir #MakeItSimple Shortir Summarize The World in 60 WordsReading news has never been this easy! Read actual and short newsin 60 words Shortir makes your life easier to stay updated Shortirnow emerge in new design and new feature: 1. Home Any news, anychannels from trusted media. Channels available at Shortir: •Updates Contains the most updated news happening today • HeadlineRead international and national Headline news • Inspiration Explorepeople and their story that might inspire you • Showbiz Read thelatest updated news from the entertainment world • Technology Foryou who doesn’t want to miss a thing about technology • Sport Readthe latest news from your favorite sport team • Entertainment Lightnews that englighten and inspire you • Video Watch interestingvideo from Shortir Video Channel 2. Explore New Feature: Now youcan contribute to write your own news with Shortir! Explore featurelet you see the latest update from other Shorters who write news •Top Contributor Write more and be Shorter Top Contributor! It’stime for you to share your thoughts! 3. Add News New Feature: Nowyou can contribute to write your own news with Shortir! Write yourown news on Add News feature • Summarize Summarize news as youlike, get the source from Shortir partner and make your own 60words news • Original You’ve seen something interesting andinformative enough to share? Or you just simply want to share youropinion? Asli let you write down your own version of news 4.Shorters New Feature: Now you can contribute to write your own newswith Shortir! Log in and make your own Shorter account and joinwith other Shorters 5. Others Get to know Shortir more! • Poin Poinis a reward program for active Shorter. Shorter may get Poin bysummarizing or write their own news, Shorter may exchange theirPoin with cash or other gifts • About Us Get to know about Shortirmore on Tentang Kami • Terms & Condition Regulations for usersor Shorters • Contact Us Critics, feedback and partnerships you mayemail at: / CS: 0858-9051-9046 • Send FeedbackGet in touch with Shortir teams. Send your recommendations to KirimMasukan • Rating Don’t forget to give Shortir a 5 stars! • PolicyPrivacy policy for overall content that has been gathered andpublished along with users or Shorter who access Shortir Want toknow more about Shortir? Say Hi to us at: Website: Facebook Fan Page: Shortir Instagram:@shortirapp
Sticar - Drive It, Earn It. 1.1.6
Varbs Digital, Inc.
What is Sticar?Sticar is a mobile application that connects advertiser withdriver, Sticar let driver to advertise by wrapping their car withstickerHow Sticar works?Register as Driver and choose the ads or brands that will bewrapped in Driver car. Driver will get an extra income by ridingtheir car daily at specific area that has been selected byAdvertiser.Advantage being Sticar Partners?Driver will get Income that counted per-kilometers. Whereas,Advertisers will get complete access to control and track their Adsby real-time and get more impressions on their brandsSticar – Drive It, Earn it